Team Tica
Our Church Planting Team


Within the last two years, God has called nine new members to our team! Check out our Team TICA profiles below.


Chris & Lindsey Carter

Chris & Lindsey Carter

Team Leaders / AGWM Missionaries to Japan

Learn more about the Carter’s here.

Justin Canavan

Justin Canavan

Team Member / AGWM Missionary to Japan

Learn more about Justin here.

Josh & Erin McCoin

Josh & Erin McCoin

Team Members / AGWM Missionary Associates to Japan

Learn more about the McCoin’s here.

David & Lauren Perdan

David & Lauren Perdan

Team Members / AGWM Applicants

Chelsea Puckett

Chelsea Puckett

Team Member / AGWM Missionary Associate to Japan

Learn more about Chelsea here.

Jessica Rutland

Jessica Rutland

Team Member / In Process

Tristian Smallwood

Tristian Smallwood

Team Member / In Process


To accomplish planting 20 churches, we are now praying for 200 team members to join our team.

Will you pray with us for team members? Consider coming on a short-term missions trip? And, pray about coming for a lifetime?


Join us in reaching Japanese people with the Gospel message. We are looking for people to come and be a part of our team!  We are serving in a country that is less than 1% Christian, yet has very few missionaries.  There are so many opportunities that we need all the help we can get! Please prayerfully consider coming for a short term or long term missions trip to Tsukuba, Japan.

First, our team needs help at our local international church Tsukuba International Christian Assembly where Chris serves as Lead Pastor.  It is growing, and we would like to further this growth with a focus on evangelism.  We are always interested in ways to reach the lost, and there are so many opportunities for outreach in our community. Learn more about our vision here.

Join Join

There are so many other opportunities. We just don’t yet have the time or resources to accomplish them, even though we have the vision.  For example, many people want to learn English in Japan. Therefore, holding weekly English classes, especially for children, would be a great way to get people into church.  Further, we’ve found that hosting a Vacation Bible School / English Camp is another way to attract new people, and there’s so many more ideas. We just need workers, people who are willing to come serve.


Another major ministry focus of ours is our Chi Alpha college student ministries group at the University of Tsukuba. Tsukuba is the Science city of Japan, and Tsukuba University, home to over 16,000 students, has been called “the MIT of Japan.” We currently have a small, but dedicated group of international students who are currently enrolled at Tsukuba University and are helping us get a Chi Alpha group going. However, we feel we could reach many more students with a dedicated Chi Alpha staff and regular Chi Alpha teams joining us for short term missions trips.

A Team based Approach

All in all, we would really love to have a team based approach to ministry and would love to have people join us for 6 months, a year or even longer!  Furthermore, we have opportunities for shorter-term help and even for 1-2 week ministry groups.  We have a heart for Japan and for reaching the lost and would like to help others catch the vision.  Therefore, we are also open to having individuals stay with us for a week or two to see Japan, see what it is that missionaries really do, pray for the city, and catch a vision for the great harvest! If interested, fill out the app below.


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Country of Interest

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